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5 Benefits of Journalling & How to Get Started

5 Benefits of Journalling & How to Get Started

Are you looking for an effective way to manage stress? Or have you ever wondered how you might be able to improve your quality of life?

If your answer was, "Yes", then writing a journal could be a solution. But there could also be other benefits to journalling which you may not have anticipated.


Typically speaking, journalling involves writing out your thoughts or feelings. Put differently, it's a practice which enables you to explore life events and the surrounding emotions and thoughts relating to them.

Because of its nature, you may find you write about things you'd ordinarily take to counselling, for example. As a result, journal writing, can be both strategic and therapeutic, whilst simultaneously forming part of your personal learning journey.

The power of journalling

Journalling can be done in various ways, but will usually involve writing in a notebook, diary, or electronic device. Writing a journal, even periodically, can be a powerful tool for increasing self-awareness.

That said, it can also be effective for other things including goal setting. How its done will differ from person to person. However, the focus of developing a healthy relationship with your mind remains the same.

And it's here where journalling comes into its own. Because writing facilitates clarity of thoughts and feelings, thereby helping you to gain insightful self-awareness.

Journal writing can also be effective for problem-solving. Quite often, the simple act of writing about a problem is enough to ease anxiety (Smyth, 2018). It can also help to highlight solutions.

Additionally, knowing you're addressing a problem eases stress. Therefore, writing a journal can also be considered a helpful stress management practice.

So, in addition to stress management and problem solving, what are some of the other benefits of journalling? And, just as importantly, how can writing a journal be helpful for improving your quality of life?

To answer this, here are five proven benefits of writing a journal, followed by three writing practices which you could use to get started.

1. Journalling can make you more grateful

We can often focus on what we lack. For example, time, money, or motivation. But in writing a gratitude journal, you'll focus more on what you have in life, rather than on what's missing.

And just noting what you have to be grateful for can do wonders for your wellbeing. One study found that journal entries focused on positive outcomes, resulted in reduced emotional distress.

This supports the idea that giving attention to what you have, can prove effective in improving your wellbeing.

Recommended: The Science of Gratitude & How to Build a Gratitude Practice by Dr. Andrew Huberman

2. Journalling can increase your intuition

Journal writing can increase your sensitivity to the voice within. Simply learning to pause, notice and reflect, has the potential to develop your judgement and self-trust.

For example, when making major decisions, you can become more understanding of, and more responsive to, your needs.

3. Journalling can develop your creativity

Along with becoming more sensitive to your inner voice, consistent journal writing can also help you to find it. Moreover, regularly writing begins the process of developing your creativity.

More specifically, how you articulate and express your inner voice can become increasingly more noticeable, and you may find you grow in confidence too.

However, it's worth noting where perfectionism could be a potential obstacle. So, when journal writing, try not to focus too much on peripheral concerns or prose.

Instead, focus on accessing and expressing your thoughts and emotions without judgment or expectation.

4. Journalling can increase your awareness

Regularly writing a journal can provide insights about yourself that might otherwise go unnoticed. Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings has huge value.

Not only will you spot patterns and learn about your motives and assumptions, you'll also see where these, and your experiences, have shaped you and how you interact with the world.

Additionally, you'll be able to identify how past events have affected the way you think, feel and behave. And as a result, start considering where you may need to challenge your beliefs.

This process of identification and modification, can be a powerful next step in making improvements to your quality of life.

Recommended: Why Thinking on Paper is a Fast Way to Focus by Ryder Carroll

5. Journalling can support recovery

As you journal, you'll start to recollect life events and consider the impact of your experiences.

Though this may be painful, it can also prove to be cathartic. Because, as you reflect on life events, you'll have an opportunity to assess the meaning you've given to each.

This is key, as the meaning you give to your experiences shape their effect. Or, unhealthy meanings given to past events, increase the chances of negative responses to similar future events.

By contrast, by giving past events healthy meanings, you can start the process of healing painful memories. Moreover, journalling can also help to maximise your work with a counsellor.

Getting started with journalling

We've considered just five of the many benefits of writing a journal. These included:

  1. Being able to increase your level of gratitude by intentionally focusing on what you have.
  2. Developing your intuition, discernment and ability to address your emotional needs.
  3. Becoming more creative in how you communicate your thoughts, feelings and ideas.
  4. Growing in confidence to understand your behaviour and where you may need to change.
  5. Feeling more empowered to question how past events shape and influence your life.

Of course, there are several other benefits to journalling I've not mentioned, some of which are:

  • Getting clarity about your future goals,
  • Keeping a record of your  ideas and lessons learnt, and
  • Capturing and collating your most significant memories.

Though the benefits of journal writing are varied, even if you've written one before, you may have questions about when and how to go about journalling.

How do I fit journalling in?

If asking questions about how to fit journalling into an already busy life and schedule, think of journal writing as a gift to your future self.

For example, having a record of your thoughts and feelings could prove invaluable for when you need to make important decisions. Similarly, you'll also have an account of progress you've made in your thinking on various issues or subjects.

Start small

If concerned about time, start small. It may sound ridiculous, but aiming for just three lines, three minutes, or three sentences is enough to help you form your new habit of journal writing.

Author and thought leader, Tim Ferriss, describes how five minutes of journalling at the start of the day is an integral part of his daily routine.

Also, if your question is about how to get started, it's not that hard. The obvious starting point is to invest in some simple tools. For example, a notebook and pen.

There are also various journal apps you could try (which I won't go into now). Alternatively, you could use a Word document or Notes app.

So, once you've decided your preferred means of recording your journal entries, it's time to get started. And, here are three ways you might want to consider.

1. Track something

One way to get going is to track progress. For example, you could keep a record of the food you eat, the books you read, your workouts, the hours you've slept, or your mood.

It's important to note that what you track isn't what's most important here. The tracking is just helping you to have something to start writing in your journal.

Knowing what to write can often be an obstacle for people just starting out. So the idea of tracking something - anything - will help you start developing a habitual practice.

2. List what you're grateful for

As mentioned earlier, focusing on what you have, rather than on what you lack, is good for your wellbeing. And it's for this reason that some people keep a gratitude journal.

To do this you could set aside time each day to list three to five aspects of your day for which you are grateful. This could be a meal, a conversation, or some news you've received.

The added benefit of a gratitude journal is having a long list of 'goodies' to refer to when you're not feeling so great. Doing this can change your perspective on life, but lift your mood.

3. Write out your favourite quotes

There'll be times when reading, in conversation, or watching a movie or drama that something will stand out. It may be a phrase or anecdote which stirs, humours, or challenges your perspective.

In turn, you could write out or type these into your journal for later reference and consideration. This is not a new idea. In fact, it dates back years.

The practice of keeping a Commonplace Book is a longstanding tradition held by many influential leaders and thinkers across the centuries.

You could have your own version through a written journal.


As you've seen, the benefits of writing a journal are plenty. Furthermore, journalling can do more than positively affect your wellbeing and improve your quality of life.

Indeed, through the regular practice of journal writing, you can get greater clarity of thought, develop your ideas and live with an increased sense of purpose.

Equally, getting started, as the only investment you need to make is your time. And as I've already highlighted, this would be an investment your future self will one day thank you for.

So, by starting small and allocating just a few minutes a day, you could develop a valuable new habit.

It also helps to remember you don't need to be an literary genius or bestselling author to start journaling. In fact, when journalling, you can feel free from the fear of critique or judgement, as your journal is yours alone.

Ultimately, your journal pages are a space for you to be your authentic and vulnerable self. So go ahead, give it a try.

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Smyth J.M. et al. (2018) 'Online Positive Affect Journaling in the Improvement of Mental Distress and Well-Being in General Medical Patients with Elevated Anxiety Syndrome: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Mental Health 5(4). doi:10.2196/11290

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Photo credit: jeshoots

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